Design&Architecture. Urbanisme&Paysagisme


Artiste 3D

@Museum Alhayaa-Maroc

Architectural Designer

Artiste 3D

@ villa Grunt- Italie


+ artistic philosophy

This portfolio exposes my work in architecture, merging academic studies and personal projects. My architectural vision aims to transcend norms, defying the laws of physics to explore creativity. The bold approach is expressed in the creation of weightless structures, defying gravity, and the unexpected use of transparent or reflective materials for visual illusions. This rebellious approach represents unconventional creativity, stimulating the imagination and questioning preconceived ideas about the achievable. The objective is to open up new perspectives and possibilities, offering an innovative vision of architecture.

The tiny house-Inde

Housing using sustainable materials such as wood made from dead leaf thus showing its carbon footprint in the environment.

"an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich the architecture really is."

- Anonymous

training center for tradinnal musicians-Côte d’ivoire

A center designed with facades inspired by music variations, thus creating a unique and captivating architectural experience.

villa sarcove-Assinie

With its innovative architecture and high-end finishes, the villa reinforces its sophisticated aesthetic and integrates harmoniously to complete the overall design.

Residence San Pedro-miami

Juste un trait de ressemblance.

Juste des details. La residence San pedro possède des chambres du style minimaliste

Get in touch me

2960 Av.Bergemont,

Québec, Canada

G1J 5J9

T: (438) 483-5461

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@Acrobatic house-San antonio

@Villa Byz - Brazil